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A CRITICAL CALL: Patient Fred Holder, Certified Public Accountant (right) had the numbers right when he called Dr. Neil Neimark who saved his life with a single phone call.

By: Natalia Cortes-Chaffin

IRVINE, CA: It's a funny thing, back pain. Most of us associate it with muscle strain or a misalignment. Nothing serious, of course. Nothing that might require prompt medical attention.

So when Fred Holder started experiencing back pain that shot up through his shoulder blades, he didn't call Dr. Neimark, the doctor he's known for 21 years. He called his chiropractor. Many of us would have done the same.

Unfortunately, Mr. Holder's pain continued for a couple of weeks despite chiropractic treatments. When his chiropractor suggested muscle relaxers might help, Mr. Holder phoned his concierge physician, Dr. Neimark, for a prescription. Fortunately, that call made all the difference.

After Mr. Holder described his symptoms, Dr. Neimark quickly realized the back pain had nothing to do with Mr. Holder's back. He told him to get to an ER right away. The diagnosis--a severe gallbladder infection that could have ended Mr. Holder's life within days--came just in the nick of time. Mr. Holder's gallbladder was removed the next day.

"I am the perfect example of why people need a doctor who's always available 24/7," said Mr. Holder. "And Dr. Neimark has a unique instinct for determining when something is urgent."

""When you know your patients, you know when something is off," Dr. Neimark said.

Mr. Holder was shocked at the diagnosis, but not at the fact that Dr. Neimark saved his life. He firmly believes in his physician's abilities and the concierge medicine model.

"In a traditional practice where you have to wait two weeks for an appointment, I would have died," Mr. Holder said.

In fact, all of Dr. Neimark's patients have access to him seven days of week. They are given his direct cell number and all calls are promptly returned. Because he carries a smaller patient load than a typical practice, he's able to know all his patients and better detect what might be wrong.

"I am the perfect example of why people need a doctor who's always available 24/7," said Mr. Holder. "And Dr. Neimark has a unique instinct for determining when something is urgent."

One thing's for sure, because of Dr. Neimark's instinct, Mr. Holder can look forward to many more happy years.

Four Levels of Care
We have a passion for caring:


Quotable Notables
On Health, Happiness & Peace of Mind

"Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing - peace is the measure."

George Melton

"Every patient carries his or her own doctor inside."

Albert Schweitzer

"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."

Mark Twain